Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Vintage Communications Weekend: call for volunteers

The Pennsylvania Trolley Museum in Washington, PA is hosting a Vintage Communications Weekend on March 15 and 16.

Kristen Fredriksen (kfred@patrolley.org) writes: 

We had over 40 typewriters on display [in 2024] (with most available for typing)! ... Like our previous event, I'll be inviting vintage telephones, radios, cameras, broadcast equipment, the printing press (they've already confirmed!), ham radio club/special event station, victrolas and phonographs, and others. If you have any connections within driving distance of Pittsburgh, please feel free to share! 

Typewriter lover Dave Cannon will be bringing some typewriters and helping with the type-in. He'd love to have others join him. Interested? Send him an email. (Sadly, I can't attend.)

Here are some photos Dave sent me of last year's event. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Fifty Freedoms

Fans of Margin Releases have been asking for three years: What is the full text of The Fifty Freedoms, as famously typed by Waldo Rehm?

Now it can be revealed.

Monday, February 10, 2025

The best books for tech skeptics with an imagination

I was invited by Shepherd — a book lovers' platform that's an independent alternative to the Amazon-owned Goodreads — to recommend some of my favorite books that complement The Typewriter Revolution. This was a fun assignment. Longtime readers of this blog will recognize some titles.