
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Still looking for a technophile


  1. that looks identical to my cursive machine. it even has a 1 key i notice. If i can unload the mimeograph machines i'll have room for it LOL

  2. Someone has claimed this by now, right? Please tell me someone has claimed this. 'Cause I'm still missing my techno desktop in the worst way, and finding myself eyeing nearly empty corners where I could stash such a thing.

  3. How I would love to take this machine, as that is my favorite typeface, except for the fact of 6 standard sized machines taking up every flat space in my garage that I need to give away to someone first. Know any takers in the Seattle area? Sigh.

  4. I kept digital sabbath yesterday and just now saw these reactions. Little Flower Petals has dibs if she has actually decided to take it. Sounds like Strikethru is not ready, so if LFP decides against it, the typewriter belongs to notagain.

  5. I'd be happy to help Strikethru with her space problem so she could take this one if it comes to that. She could even visit them. I do live in the Puget Sound area.

  6. Wait...I'm just reviewing your last post on these and remembering. This is the one without a case, isn't it? If so, I'll have to not-so-gracefully bow aside. The main reason I let my SG-3 go was due to having really no space for large case-less typewriters in my new bitty house. Drat. :-\ Someday I need a nice typewriter room, with heavy-duty display/storage shelves.

    I still want a techno machine again, but I'm thinking this probably isn't the one.

    Word verif: clunduc - the sound of a precariously balanced large Olympia falling to the carpeted floor on account of it was just sitting on a rickety old stool 'cause that was the only available flat surface in the house...

  7. You are right, there's no case for this one.

    So it looks like notagain is the lucky winner. (He may have to have a heart-to-heart with Strikethru, though.)

    Sometimes those word verifications look eerily like things that you'd find if you looked long enough in the OED. I like "clunduc"!

  8. Thank the gods someone took it! That techno typeface is soooooo tempting, but I have an ironclad rule about not allowing myself to take in non-cased typers. (especially not wide-carriage desktoppers)

    Now, if you find yourself wanting to get rid of a Techno-faced Hermes 3000, I'm totally your man. :D

    also, word for today's verification is "aphoop". possibly a word for one's morning constitutional?
