It's too late to be typecasting -- I don't want to disturb fellow typewriter collectors spending the night at Herman Price's house -- but here are a few photos with brief comments that will give you an idea of the fun we had today.
Steve Lehman and Peter Weil discuss an Antares:
A few shelves of Herman's collection:
Jett Morton's Lego typewriter mechanism:
We compared an earlier and a later Alpina (notice the carriage return levers):
Peter presented some great research on an Oliver cigar box that he found, sold by a pharmacy in the town where the Oliver was made:
Steve and Herman:
Jett shows us a Sears (Smith-Corona) with changeable type:
Steve's mint red Underwood Champion was soon to find a new owner:
Devin (Duffy Moon), Peter, Jack Knarr, and Herman enjoy a variety of modern portables:
Peter shows us a framed Royal ad, probably from the late '20s. Is it an oil painting or "oilette" print?
At Herman's office there are still more machines, such as these "typewhiters":
... and these colorful portables:
In addition to a heap of typewriter talk, we had lots of good food and good laughs.
Now here are a couple of overviews of the main room in Herman's basement (which is still less than half of his collection). You can click these to enlarge them.