
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Voss Taylorix Contofix Junior

PS: In answer to a request in the comments to see the "Senior," here it is. Quake in terror, mere mortals, at the awesome power of the Taylorix Zeilomatik!

... and here is an even more Godzillaesque Taylorix Contofix
currently on German eBay. 
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

PS: I got one of these typewriters in January 2012. Read all about it here.


  1. Daaaaang. If that's the Junior, I'd hate/love to see the Senior! Looks like something Terry Gilliam would cast.

  2. It looks like you could make a nice espresso before getting down to writing!

  3. Looks a bit like one of the machines from Naked Lunch that's caught mid-point in its metamorphasis from 'writer to repulsive bug creature.
    Wonderful, but scary.

  4. Jeebus. A literal beast. It actually has a mane!

  5. Oh my God, it's Clark Nova's cousin!!

  6. The One Typewriter to rule them all.

  7. No red-and-white, duo-tone machines are these! I'm thinking these would be what they used for writing repair manuals for German cars and motorcycles. The junior is kind of cute, but look what it turns into when it grows up.
