
Monday, June 6, 2011

Blue Monday; or, Better Dead than Red?


  1. You've (unintentionally?) captured the spirit of the Strikethru Collage-Cast Challenge.

    Just so you know, I have dubbed SVDP "Saint Vincent de Polt" for all the love it has shown you. Sadly, my own Vinnie's offered nothing this weekend but the same old Smith-Corona Electra that's been there for weeks. A bust all around.

  2. Cheer up Richard. I like the new typecast format so there's a hint of a silver lining to the cloud. Is this the first time a mainspring has spontaneously broken?

  3. I think this post is more a homage to Ryan's Magic Margin postings. I think I'm going to have to start getting away from mimicing the boringness of copying a flatbed scan with my camera and get a little more adventurous myself!

  4. perhaps the only thing holding the mainspring together was rust. Once you removed that, it was doomed. ):

    I hope you can find a proper bolt for it - that was a fine restoration job you did, and it'd be sad to see it wasted. Also, love your collage typecast.

  5. You did such a fine job on that commie red. Sorry to hear, Richard.

    @mpclemens, "Saint Vincent de Polt" Lol

  6. I saw one of those "compact" machines and laughed at the name. Our SVDP has so many electric/electronic typers I lost count.

  7. Very clever presentation of text. A wake for the Optima!

  8. Beautiful typecast! So sorry to hear of your troubles with the Optima; it is such an odd thing for a mainspring to collapse so suddenly, I think. After a visit to Berlin I have become immersed in reading about the politics of East and West myself, hence I found your post doubly relevant...hope Saint Vincent comes through for you soon!

  9. Fantastic blog design! An optimum legacy.

  10. Condolences, Richard that the Optima opted out. Couldn't withstand shock therapy, I guess. I'm sure you know this, but two Optimas recently popped up on Craigslist in your region. One was in Cleveland -- -- and the other in Cincy --

  11. I heard that what really broke down talks between Ronny and Gorby at Reykjavik was Reagan wouldn't promise to kill the Selectric III. Might just be a rumor, though.
