
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Years on paper


  1. Hi Richard,
    My recently-acquired Tippa B portable has this very same typeface, and according to the (usual) Dutch online database, my machine dates from 1953. I'll do a blog post on it soon (after tomorrow's entry on my 1911 Underwood No. 5).

  2. There's something about keeping track of things on paper, especially ideas. Memories that are written down on paper are different to digital bits and facts; they're cold and indifferent. The way paper takes the ink. Etc.

    Seeing all those notebooks next to each other... can you feel the massive nature of time they represent?

    At least they'll help with future biographic endeavours :-)

    Memory and time. And paper.

  3. Nice to see somebody else still writing on paper, Richard. Yes, I used to use the A5-sized Letts diaries, but they require a little more hunting around at the beginning of each year. I usually buy the easier-to-find Debden brand because they are more fountain pen friendly than most other brands (Moleskine, I'm looking in your direction). However, you've inspired me to hunt up a Letts diary again.
    And that's a nice Alpina sitting on your desk, sir.

  4. Richard, good to see you back. I can identify with this post, like you, I still use paper calendars and planners to this day and have kept my used ones.

    By the way, that Alpina is dazzling.

  5. I have these pieces of scrap paper that I write things to do on, running debt balances (how much my parents owe me, haha), ideas, and random notes. Oh, and doodles.

    I throw them away when they get full. Now I feel bad about it! Maybe I'd want to see them at some future date. I'll save them in a folder now. Can't hurt. :)

  6. Hi Richard, welcome back. For years I used an A1 Sasco Year Planner. Cryptic comments indicating deadlines, copy-due dates, scheduled meeting and holidays (a large X for each day). I actually found them quite depressing to look back on and for forward planning - but they concertina'd neatly to A4. I tried diaries and journals but by year-end, they were invariably blank.

  7. I use these
    They have the added advantage of be useful for testing goodwill typewriters.

  8. I use a pocket calendar because, after Apple's switch over to MobileMe a couple of years back they lost 4 years of data I thought was backed-up "in the cloud".

    Now every time I pull it out to write down a date some smartphone user will show me "how it's done in the 21st century." While they are logging in or correcting the iPhones awful autocomplete, or futzing with the tiny keys on a Crackberry. I've written down the important dates and have long since tucked my calendar away.

    I sync my calendars with a pen and it seems to work just fine.
