
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Olivetti team & installment 1


  1. Design-wise, I think they're both outstanding.

    Reading your previous 'fetish' post, I did ask myself the question "why silk?" and arrived at the same answer- "because it's silk."

  2. I just love the red tabulator of the Olivettis. Good luck for the 28 days left.

  3. Ohh, it's Miss Moneypenny's typewriter!

  4. Very nice machines. Is there anything else besides silk?
    Ever since I first learned to type I prefer a silk ribbon.

  5. That sample is fascinating. I'm envious that you can roll that out. My characters are sitting around looking at me impatiently to tell them what to do.

  6. Just wondering when woolen ribbons will rise to the fore - especially as the weather gets colder and the nights draw in early :-) I think I have some silks. I always confiscate dry ribbons as they come through the Pearly Gates into Typewriter Heaven. But I keep them unless they are worn beyond rescue. I'm pretty sure I'd have to import them as the few sources here seem to only supply nylon.

  7. Lovely set of Olivettis -- very interesting to see the differences and similarities.

    Your writing sample is wonderfully detailed, with rich descriptions. And such NEAT typing!

  8. I think the Lexicon looks outstanding. I was never all that sold on the styling of many of the Lettera machines (sorry!) apart from the 33. But their desk machines are gorgous (for my eyes).

  9. RichardP-have you ever typed on a Graphika? I think those look so neat in pictures and I've never even seen one in person. I'm wondering how the text looks compared to, say, an Executive or Remington Statesman from that period. Beautiful machines, of course! RichardK/TX
