
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Impressions of Edinburgh

A small postscript to this story is here.


  1. Hey, Edinburgh, one of my favorite cities! I love the Fringe Festival, the magic, and the haunted alleys. London's great but I would choose Edinburgh.

  2. Hope you will have time to have a cuppa at the Elephant House (tea & coffee house where J.K. Rowling wrote) or a pint or two at the Sheep Heid Inn (traditional pub). Just don't spoil a good walk by playing that confounding game they invented and that we call golf.

    1. We're actually back in London now. We did go to the Elephant House, which was a must-see for my daughter the Potter fan. I tried my first haggis there and rather liked it. Didn't make it to the Sheep Heid Inn, but did partake of some good ales and whiskies.

    2. Glad you liked haggis, I quite enjoyed it.

  3. I'd enjoy visiting either. I hear both good and not good about Edinburgh.

    Your sketch is really nice.

  4. I loved your illustration. One day I'll get to make a visit there myself.

    However, the sinister elements have been explored well by writers such as Isn Rankin, and Irvine Welsh.

  5. Ah, Rebus and the Body Snatchers!

  6. Wonderful drawing! It looks like you captured your feelings and observations of the place - both the sinister and vertical aspects.

  7. Given a choice, I'd like to set up store in a walled city, particularly the old, downtown district... or maybe, given the kind of shop I run, we could set up store in Brighton...

    ... Another European city I liked A LOT is Brugge, in Belgium. that's one of the places where I'd love to spend my retirement years (hey, one can dream!)
