
Monday, July 29, 2013

London type-in no. 3

Today's third London Type-In was a success, with four maniacs in attendance:
yours truly, Adriana Chua from Singapore (who got the ball rolling on this meeting),
Bikethru, and Jim Pennington. 

Adriana brought a folding Corona in great shape which she used to write a letter. There's a group of 14 Singaporean typewriter collectors who have a letter-writing club. Singapore is unusual in having a relatively large number of typewriter collectors per capita and in the fact that they're almost all women.

Jim brought a Smith-Corona Clipper this time to take the minutes.

He also brought an Arabic Optima that he found on the street in Alexandria some time ago.
Yes, it types proportionally, like my Arabic typewriters.

Adriana made a discovery:

Bikethru has a commentary on his story from yesterday.

And the minutes. 

I actually did receive some apologies from typewriter artist Keira Rathbone, who has been very busy
and unable to make the long trip to these type-ins.


  1. Nice one! I see Bikethru went from "stealth" to "in your face" mode :)

    Now - two things at once: I need to blame you Richard and say "sorry" to Bikethru. I managed to get me a Groma Kolibri on e*** today so I (almost - until it arrives) own two typewriters now. Can't wait...


    1. Aha, the slippery slope is well greased! {evil laugh}

    2. I saw that Kolibri first! Well done. If I sold a few of mine I'd bag one in a flash.

  2. It's cool to see a lot of typing action from your London trip. And finally, a woman participant! Did Adriana fly in from Singapore or is she London-based?

  3. Congratulations on another successful type-in! Nice to see another participant.

  4. What a great location for a Typein! Thanks for sharing the experience. The Arabic Optima is especially cool.

  5. As always, that looks like great fun! thanks for keeping up the posts.

  6. Yet another great Type-In! (:
