
Friday, August 2, 2013


(This post is scheduled to go live after I've endured my cramped flight
back to the US. So long, London!)


  1. The lowly thumb. For texting or hitching a ride.

    Very good sketch.

  2. Fear not, these devices will never catch on big time. It is 'a phase'. Still only 50% of the UK population has a smartphone.

  3. I really loved this. 'Ignoring their surroundings and squinting into their personal windows.' Great stuff there, man. Did you do the drawing as well? I've really enjoyed seeing your sketches these last several posts.

    That was definitely in my realm of interests. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Also, @Rob- Honestly, only 50% of the population in the UK own smartphones? That seems insane to someone in America...where the standard age of phone ownership is steadily falling into single digits.

    1. I beleve US smartphone penetration and UK are quite similar at 40-50% population.I think there are trade stats in various places online which vary in numbers between all population and, by contast, all mobile phone users. Percentages are of course a lot higher in the latter.

  4. That's a great sketch. I love the hands. And the concept of the "private windows". I'd been planning on thrift shopping this morning ala Retro Tech Geneva (, but now I'm thinking of getting back to my watercolor in progress. What to do ... what to do ... if I get off my butt, perhaps both!

  5. Pretty soon we won't even need thumbs. Really good account of wearing Google Glass from Gary Shteyngart:
