
Thursday, October 17, 2013

G'day and bon voyage, Robert


  1. I believe Robert and I met via email through a connection; I cannot remember. What I can tell you is that we immediately began exchanging a flurry of emails, and he (and his friend, confidante, and all-around good guy Richard Amery) immediately inundated me with photos and information about a whole universe of typewriters never seen here in the continental United States. I was so taken by the array of machines and by Robert and Richard's enthusiasm that I just had to create a couple of pages to show a bit of the wholly different selection seen in Australia and environs. Their knowledge of the machines was a bolt out of the dark -- they'd quantified everything already, and the door was opened to a complete Australian history of the machines made there.

    Anyway, it was fabulous to meet Robert .. and Richard, you're very lucky to have had him as a visitor and guest all this time. Wish I could have spent more time with you two.

    What a wonderful experience, all around. One I'll never ever forget.

  2. That is one spiffy jacket! (Yours is nice too, Richard.)

    Safe travels!

  3. If anyone could get away with bright blue velour... besides, that's everyday stuff in Oz. Great photo by the way!

  4. Glad to hear you had a great time.
    That place looks familiar.

  5. A good pair of typospherians. The blue jacket is really nice.

  6. Wonderful, magic typosphere, on-line and FOR REAL!

  7. Love the threads Bru! But don't bring them to QLD. Not because they wouldn't like it, but because it is too hot!

  8. what a jacket!! brings tears to my eyes. and the location is great?...where is that mural? it is superb.

  9. Thank you all for your great comments - and your compliments on my pimp shop jacket! Yes, I did get off the plane wearing it, after heaps of kind words about it at LA and Sydney airports. Richard has longed to go inside that shop and now he might just do that. Advice received and accepted, Scott.
    Richard - I am home; got back to Canberra safe and sound about four hours ago (10.30am, Saturday, October 19). Straight into the unpacking of grommets and downloading on photos from Union Terminal. Everything in the big Aussie suitcase made it back in one piece!
    Richard, these are very kind words and I cannot ever thank you enough for all you did for me in Cincinnati, and also in West Virginia. Your hospitality and that of your family was simply superb! We're going out tonight to look for Cincinatti chilli. An Arnold's Bar wouldn't go down too badly, either, nor an Ohio Book Shop, a Spitzfaden shop or an Ace hardware store. Not to mention your ice cream and spicy coffee.
    Will, yes, I too wish I could have spent more time with you, and perhaps even have got to see the Davis Typewriter Workshop. Maybe next time. As it was, the week was jam-packed with excitement, and as I told Richard, I will be having imaginary conversations with him and you for weeks to come. By the way, that Visigraph experience at Herman's was one for the ages! I just can't imagine how you do it!
