
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

KMC in action

I'm really been enjoying using my Remington Rand KMC to type comments on students' papers. This machine is smooth, fast, and a pleasure to type on. (See my review and comparison to the Royal KMM here.)

I thought people might enjoy seeing and hearing it in action.


  1. Great video, thanks. Don't know about the typewriter, but that's a deft typing action, sir!

  2. Nice. That machine means business.

  3. You hit that return lever with attitude and that tank of a typewriter can take it.

  4. Great! A heck of a typewriter, isn't it? Thanks for posting this! -Will Davis

  5. It's amazing how much the KMC sounds like my Remington Model Seventeen. I imagine that the action is similiar, too.

    You really fling the return lever with "alacrity"! It's very interesting to see people's different typing styles.

  6. Very nice machine to work with, isn't it? Mine ranks very, very high in my favorites list! Built like a tank, smooth, a very nicely spaced keyboard... my only gripe with it is that I sometimes hit accidentally the KMC keys while trying to type numbers, thus changing the margins and having to stop to reset them again to their original positions. Guess I should practice some more.

  7. I bet your students love your typewritten notes (:

    1. "Did you REALLY write this on a TYPEWRITER? That is SO COOL!"

      This from a girl who had been to my office. I guess she didn't realize I actually used the things.

  8. What a fine sound that thing makes. Watching that is inspiration to get my speed up. That speed would land you a typing pool job in the 50's

    1. And then I'd get fired for inaccuracy. You should see how often I X things out.

  9. Lovely beast. The machine, I mean.

    By the way, welcome back to Google+. Yes, the G+ matrix let me know you had returned. There is no escaping the cloud ;-)

    1. They kept nagging me to use the same nickname on YouTube and Blogger, so finally I said yes. Then that action, for some reason, re-created a Google+ account for me. I don't want it and (after extensive struggle) have managed to extricate myself again.

  10. Wow, love the sound of it! It seems fairly quiet too? I'll have to keep my eyes out for one of those!

    1. I would not call it quiet, but I like the sound too. Classic typewriter sound, and everything is very well put together.

    2. Yeah, the sound is very nice. It looks quite sturdy! I noticed the red typewriter on the shelf - what kind is it?

    3. That's a Voss with red or maroon body and ivory ribbon cover.
