
Monday, December 30, 2013

Letter to the Typosphere

Here's the plan of my book. Comments are still welcome.


  1. Many thanks for a well-written account of the highlights of the year for you, the Typosphere, and the typewriter insurgency in general. Your book project is something we've all been looking forward to; I wish you every success!

  2. Like Ton, I look forward eagerly to the book. Regarding the year of typewriters, your last comment sums it up for me. While I have a foot firmly planted in their past use in cranking out high school and college assignments, I've been delighted to discover their current world of engaging correspondence and pen pal friendships, not to mention the direct friendships established through events such as the Berkeley Type-In.

    All the best for another great Typosphere year, Richard!


  3. Nicely put, RP. While I agree that computers obviously have their place in today's world, I'm constantly surprised and disheartened by how reliant on computers/phones/the internet, etc, society has gotten in so short a time. A typewriter simply allows one's mind to breathe amidst this Digital Rush.
    Best of luck with the book. It's one to look out for, and here's to tapping out a great New Year!

  4. Great to hear an update on your project. Can't wait to see it completed!

  5. Great summary of - clearly - a very eventful year for you. I eagerly await (as most likely many of your readers) to read your book but don't let that induce any pressure on you. In my opinion typewriters teach us patience in this crazily galloping world so I'm prepared to wait as long as it's needed. I'm sure it will be worth it.

    My Typosphere highlight of the year was the privilege to meet you in person and join you at one of the type-ins. Though I didn't realize it fully at the time I got a chance to meet one of the brightest stars (and minds) of this little analog world within the vast space of the digital universe.

    All the best and even better New Year to you!

  6. Richard, I continue to be amazed at the growth of the typosphere, and in particular your personal contribution. Thank you for helping make it what it is, and I look forward to the new year.

  7. Richard, I have a later model Gromina Gromina with the rounder type keys. I was wondering if you can tell me where to find the serial number please?
    Thanks very much.
    Mark (

  8. I agree completely. Typewriters do have a place in the present and in the future, and I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a resurgence of the typewriter as a niche product in the coming years.

    I still believe that the benefits of the Digital Age are greater than its drawbacks, but I agree that the growing invasion to one's privacy is bound to have some undesired results. But then again, there's nothing new under the Sun. From the relatively innocuous, like those annoying directed ads, to the more obscure threats of identity theft, the Internet poses pretty much the very same risks to our privacy as we had in the pre-Internet world: just remember the piles of junk mail that arrived in the mailbox (I still receive some from time to time), the telephone scams from people who passed themselves as "representatives of a company who wants to update its customers' data", or the anxiety we had when a bank statement didn't arrive on time and we feared it had ben stolen from the mailbox. Of course, back then the scope of those threats were mostly local, while today the interconected nature of the Interwebs makes it possible for scammers all over the world to try those old techniques in "new markets", if I may use that expression. The key here is learning to take precautions with our personal and sensible information, like we always had to do, and let those precautions evolve to adapt to a digital world where the whole civilization has become nothing but a big, little town. Just my 2 cents.

    That said, perhaps for the next year my blog will be typecast completely. After all, in the last few months I've received an intriguingly high number of visits from places where people would hardly read Spanish (China, Malasya, Russia, Singapore)... the Internet Robots are doing their job, I say! So I'll make it harder for them to mine my irrelevant data. That'll give me the chance use my typewriters more.

    NOW, regarding the typosphere, it has been a real privilege being a part of it, and getting to establish contact with its members. I am really grateful to be considered part of the Typosphere, even if I haven't been as active in the last months. And in the true spirit of the season, may God bless us all, and grants us all the gift to continue typing away the next year, making the Typosphere grow and become a bigger anchor to the Real World for those of use who adhere to the Typewritten Revolution and refuse to be absorbed completely by the Data Stream.

    Long Live the Typed Word!

    P.S.: I too look forward to read your book!

  9. Thank you for saying this so eloquently.

    I love the stamp, too. Etaoin shrdlu!

  10. Greatly looking forward to reading the "Insurgency", whether it be flung from hot web presses in New York City or rendered on a copier and bound with scotch tape. It's been a grand year indeed, and 2014 can only be better (:

  11. Wonderful year-end commentary, Richard! Although this is only my 2nd year of involvement with the typewriter bug and typosphere, I can't tell you how much it has enriched my life. Have a great year!

  12. I'm not getting into the whole NSA discussion because I could write an epistle that's longer than Miguels, but I will say this: the spying of the NSA on the regular people hasn't prevented even 1 terrorist attack. The whole "we must do this because of the terrorists" is a bunch of propaganda Goebbels would be proud of... But then again, America has learned a lot from the intelligent minds they brought to the USA when WWII was over.

    So, back to the typewriters! Just like the others reacting above me, I am looking forward to your book. Not only for myself, but also for you to finally held your finished project in your hands and to be able to open the cover and see your words in it. Must be a great experience!

  13. Wonderful project! I am especially guilty of the 'staring at small screens' part being always on when I'm not in self-enforced vacation mode. I'm looking forward to progress reports.

  14. Coming across the world of typewriter enthusiasts for the first time this year and then meeting you in London, Richard, was a privilege and I wish you absolutely every success in this project. I only just read the Book Plan (have left a Comment) ... inspiring, comprehensive - you have left no key un-struck.

  15. Best of luck, Richard. It was a pleasure being one of those people you got to meet IRL (In Real Life) instead of just via URL, even if you were wired for sound by The Man. :-) Please keep us updated on the book!

  16. Wow Richard, you are quite a committed man! I couldn't have expressed my own feelings about the typewriter any better than you have. I will add though that for me they represent writing and communication in a way that is for all the masses. Being a budding writer, they represent the tool by which I will do just that, and in a safe and secure way. And as others said, in a slower, more meaningful, and purposeful way - almost like an extension of me, and where my heart and soul lay. Best of luck on the book, and we'll read it whenever it's done!! Thanks
