
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Making a ribbon tin

I had some fun designing tins for the typewriter ribbons we sell at WordPlay's Urban Legend Institute. You can get Altoids-sized tins on eBay for about $2 apiece. I designed the packaging image and brief instructions that I printed on labels. These make for cozy ribbon homes, just the right size. (Our ribbons are made by Baco in Ballwin, Missouri, 314-835-9300,


  1. You're having entirely too much fun with this Wordplay stuff. Nice ribbon tins. Someday they'll be collectable :D

  2. Love it! Do you have a price for a ribbon+tin?

    1. Thanks. Let's say $12.50 including US shipping (all profit goes to WordPlay). If anyone is interested, e-mail me first ( to make sure they're still available, and let me know whether you want black or black/red.

  3. The instructions are pretty impressive to me, not the completeness, I expected no less from Richard Polt! but the conciseness of them is excellent. Well executed design too. I'm glad you're able t have so much fun with this organization!

  4. They look great Richard! Well done!
