
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

#typewriter: Reflections on social media


  1. If blogs are the HAM Radio of the Internet, then Facebook is the FM Band. Just don't Kloos out on us and stop blogging about stuff other than the book when you get all famous. :D

    1. I don't know what Kloosing out is, exactly, but don't worry, the blog will always be about more than promoting the book. :)

    2. LOL Ted. Facebook is CB, Twitter is the FM band.

  2. I'm fairly sure you'll stay the right side of phony. While you are pushing the book, shouldn't your publisher be putting considerably more weight behind it? PS: I don't know what Kloosing is either... but it has a cap K.

    1. The publisher's efforts are on their way. They're professionals and I'm confident that they'll know the right things to do at the right time.

  3. As a (mostly) unsung self-published author I applaud your efforts to use the enemy's tools to sell them the truth about the typosphere. I agree with you: there are shades of gray in everything we see, and the typosphere is not an exception. Otherwise we would be sending typewritten letters illustrated with hand-developed and printed photos to our fellow readers by snail mail, instead of using Blogger and Wordpress and whatever blogging platform each of us use. These are mere tools that can be used to better reach the goals of our typewritten revolution, and in a quote that would probably made Tsun Tsu and Machiavelli smile, it's wise to let the prince use the weapons of the enemy against them.

    Now, at risk of being called a heretic, I would be very interested to know in more detail how you're using the tools of the digital age to promote a book that deals on the tools of the non-digital age. I'm too very "green" when it comes to social media (being a bit of a pathological introvert I don't really thrive in person-to-person communications), but I too am finding it necessary to overcome my... shyness? introvertness?? stubborness?? and start using social media to reach for more people. It would be great to have a couple of pointers from where to start.

  4. Good and necessary points. The fundamental issue is: to reach out. And this is to be done via social media these days. No harm done! Because we stay true to ourselves and keep our inner freedom. Technically, maybe yes, we need the tools: after all, the typosphere is internet based. Most of us haven't met in person. But we became friends even before we meet, and I guess it has happened to most of us that these virtual encounters translate into meetings in the "real world". It keeps amazing me.

  5. You've go to use all tools at your disposal and promote your book.
    How did an octothorpe morph into hashtag? And how did a tag end-up at the beginning instead of the end where the tag belongs? -- Just my digs at digital.

  6. Sometimes on order to resist we have to be seen to collaborate.

  7. Yes, the publishers are professionals. Which is exactly why you have to do your own guerilla marketing -- whether online or via typewriter.

  8. Dear Richard,

    About social media and book promotion: I thought you might be interested to see this post, "Willard Spiegelman's SENIOR MOMENTS, Guilt Management, and the Magic Wand of an Email":

    These are my reflections on book PR as of December 2016, after my own several years of engagement with social media (mainly FB amd Twitter) -- and if that post is a TL;DR, to cut to the conclusion, I was genuinely surprised to realize how powerful a brief, polite email announcement from an acquaintance could be. (As noted in my comments elsewhere, I have since left FB and drastically reduced Twitter use.)

    Kind regards, C.M. MAYO

    1. Thanks! (I did read your post, including the delightful reference to Mr. Quibble.)

      Like Mr. Spiegelman, I sent an e-mail when my book was published to lots of people who had reached out to me in the past. I had reason to believe that they would care, and I don't think I got any negative reactions. It's a good idea.
