
Monday, June 6, 2016

Revolution in the mailbox: New tactics in Baltimore

Thank you, Agent 42!

I am always thrilled to hear about developments in our glorious revolution. One of the best parts of writing the book has been the typewritten mail that it has generated, some of which I post on this blog when it seems to be appropriate. Anyone is free to write to me at the address on the envelope (but I'll be traveling a lot this summer, so my response may be slow).

Here's the inconspicuous Brother GX-6750. It, too, has the power to subvert the Paradigm.


  1. Pretty sure we have one of the most unique and awesome collecting communities, hands down. This sort of stuff is always hilarious.

  2. That is a nice typewriter. I used to have one; convenient and portable with most of the features of the older IBM Wheelwriters. Alas, getting ribbons for it might become problematic relatively soon, at least around here.

  3. I have several Brother Daisy Wheel typewriters. I chose Brother for that reason, most likely to obtain ribbons. In fact, I stocked up on Nylon ribbons, prefer them to carbon film as they appear to have been written a on standard machine. But the touch is more like a laptop. The output looks like it was typed by a pro.
