
Saturday, October 1, 2016


I got a repair job replacing the key legends on a Royal KMM. But where would I find fresh ones? Leave it to Greg Fudacz to send me a set of original, unused legends from the great Ames Supply Co. Thank you, Greg! Thanks as well to Rich Mohlman for lending me his tools for removing and reattaching key rings.

The legends were probably designed by Ames to fit a variety of typewriters. You'll notice that there are several versions of the shift key, tab key, and others. The bottom row of legends seems to be designed for British machines.

Here is a 1200dpi scan of the key legends in case anyone would like to have it, along with an inverted version in case you want black on white. (Click on the images for full size.)


  1. Thank you so much Richard for sharing this JPEG, and to Greg as well. I have been needing replacement key slips for two of my machines for over a year. :) Kind regards and great appreciation!

  2. Wonderful!

    The images are resized by Blogger to 1600 pixels wide, so they aren't 1200 dpi any more. I'd suggest hosting the images on your site and linking the image previews to those.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. I've fixed them. So the big images are now truly 1200dpi. The dimensions in inches are 6.933 x 5.44.

  3. This is great. Love the spirit of cooperation to get things done. ☺️

  4. Excellent! I have a half-size version of this sheet, scanned from the AMES catalog (and thus half the quality), but the full-size is much better! (:

  5. Fantastic! Now to know how to make the tool.

    1. I'd like to post a followup showing how the legend replacement project works exactly. Rich lent me two tools which are very cleverly designed, one to pull off the rings and another to put them back on. Making the tools yourself is probably out of the question.

  6. How do I get the full size print.
