
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Letters and lovelies

One of the nicest features of being a member of the typewriter insurgency is that you can start getting meaningful paper mail again. Yesterday, three typewritten letters arrived, one from Canada and two from the US.

There are encouraging and interesting voices in these letters.

Meanwhile, I stopped by the antique mall this morning and enjoyed seeing the latest typewriters.

Here's a lovely Royal O portable with original literature, for $99.


A nice-looking Underwood Star, until ...

... you look closer. ACK!

The quality of these '50s Underwoods is low enough to begin with that I certainly wouldn't mess with a rusty one.

This Woodstock, however, is well-made and in great shape:

I was seriously tempted, but at $129 it was on the high side for my current budget.

So I walked out the door with no typewriter at all—can you believe it?


  1. Beautiful Royal & Woodstock. I'm short on money, but if I were there I think I'd find $99. I remember those coffee brand banks from my childhood.

  2. That is a gorgeous (or potentially gorgeous) Underwood--was it really only $35?

    1. In good shape, it would have been a bargain, but rust in the segment is always a scary sight. The addition of Wite-Out dandruff was a turn-off.

  3. W O W (>///<)
    Nice & Neat letters! xD
    I wonder what happened with mine ones...
    You can scan the briefs and posting them here. xD

  4. That sounds sensible, and you gained some nice photos!

    1. Yes, sometimes I reluctantly resort to prudence.

  5. Hmmn, that "O" would have tempted me. Sorry for enticing you to spend all your moneys on books this month. :D

    1. Don't be sorry, they are great additions to my library.

  6. I went to the antique store and came home with an Oliver 5. Only stopped there because traffic was bad and I hate sitting in traffic.
