
Sunday, June 4, 2017

Book review: Retrotopia, by John Michael Greer


  1. Sounds like a book I will need to pick up. Sounds like a paradise for the hipster in me. But really, no typewriter? Almost feel insulted.

  2. I'm going to see if our library has this book.
    Cincinnati looks

  3. I like your sketch. A hidden talent!

  4. I am very intentional about what technology I allow in my life and when. I think it all just boils down to thinking before we act, do I need to be on my computer for several hours on end? Sometimes the answer may be yes. On the days I choose to limit myself I often find I feel just a little like I have been time travelling.

  5. "Retropia" reminds me (a little) of the way in which I live like a "1937 millionaire," with wonders like central air-conditioning, etc. There's a lot of glittery stuff I don't have, but (other than computers), I don;t find any of it necessary. Looked at from, say, my Mother's teen years, I live in the lap of luxury, with my Chemex all-glass coffemaker and fancy automatic dishwasher!

  6. Thanks for writing about this, I really enjoyed Bellamy's book, but this "Retropia" sounds fascinating. I am putting it on my "To Reads" list post hasste.
