
Friday, June 15, 2018

A successful safari

It's time to play that old game: Which One Did He Buy? I think the answer will be obvious, but maybe not. (There are multiple photos of one typewriter and its case, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is The One.)

For a little added difficulty, I'm not typing the prices; you can make them out on the tags if you click on these photos to enlarge them.

These photos are presented in random order, but the one I ended up buying was a machine I spotted after I'd given up hope—it was in a booth that "never" has typewriters, and it was the last spot I reached in my complete circuit of the largest antique mall in town. Which just goes to show that the old collector's saw is true: You Never Know.


  1. I might have gone for the remmie portable. (:

  2. I'm guessing the Remington Portable, if only for the amazing travel stickers. I would have been tempted by the SM3 but it's a bit pricey.

  3. I'm guessing the Woodstock. --Fred D.

  4. I'm going to say the Woodstock, too, although the Remington portable, and that case, are pretty incredible.

  5. A Dollar Steamship Line sticker? Who could turn it away. I vote the Remington Portable!

  6. I was going to say the Crest, but I think you have one already, so I vote for the Remington Portable.

  7. It may not be the most revered machine of the bunch, but I’m placing my bet on the Crest. It has that something special to it.

  8. I'm going to guess the Remington Portable as well. (I would buy the Olympia at that price--I'd love to have an SM3--but only if it had a typeface I liked.)

  9. I would've bought the Crest. They are rare in these parts.
