
Monday, December 10, 2018

Manifiesto Mexicano

Here's the new manifesto from Armando Warner of Californication Typewriter in Mexico. (English translation follows.)



  1. I've got to add that Manifesto to my other one. Nice to see Armando hard at work.

    1. Bill, comrade in arms, ask for it in print to Santa. If you have behaved well, it will arrive!

  2. Replies
    1. I thought someone might comment on that! I've come around to the view that WD-40 can be used legitimately on typewriters, as long as it is thoroughly flushed out afterwards. The pros often do use it. I still avoid it myself, though, and the simplest advice is to tell the average user to stay away from it.

  3. Jim, Richard: for me it's like dealing with a poisonous snake that, I think, I've kept hypnotized.

    Kenneth Alexander, from California Typewriter, was the first one to whom I consulted the use of WD-40. He told me that the majority is against its use, but he uses it as a first step against humidity (although they have an oven to dry). Then I did some research, and from Richard's page I knew he got to go rubbery. But it is very good to remove moisture from machinery. I only use it for that, and immediately I withdraw it completely. My own Smith Corona Sterling has received 2 generous bathrooms from WD-40, and the machine functions as a Swiss watch. Everything is in, as Richard says, to get it out of the machinery immediately after it has its effect.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Richard: Gracias por esto!
    En mi carta, que mañana comienza su viaje hasta tu buzón, toco el tema.

    1. Not sure if the previous message made it, so I´ll repeat my welcome to Armando who reminded me of my re-encounter with typewriters and typing which happened while in Mexico.
