
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

1950 Siemag II T typewriter

Last night I restored this 1950 Siemag II T which I imported from Germany several months ago. It just needed some cleaning to start functioning robustly again. "Robust" is certainly the word for this make. (I picked up a Royal KMM yesterday afternoon from Craigslist, and after hefting the Siemag around, the KMM felt light.) Everything on the Siemag is solid and well-designed.

The Royal-esque side panels come out very easily when you push buttons underneath them. This reveals levers that can be flipped to allow instant removal of the carriage. It's almost as easy as doing it on an Olympia SG1.

As just one glimpse of the quality of this machine, here's a close-up of the controls on the left side of the carriage. Note the thick, chromed pinch lever that selects the line spacing.

Will Davis's II T
More II Ts on The Typewriter Database


  1. Another wonderful typewriter you have found and introduced to me. I read Will Davis's take on this Siemag II and it appears to be a great performer. The red keys pop on the shiny black exterior. I will definitely add this one to my 'Looky' list. Oh how I like a great 1950s standard typewriter!

  2. Congratulations on your wonderful new typewriter.

  3. Parece una máquina para contabilidad, para un contador con mucha clase! Es preciosa!

  4. What a magnificent Typewriter! It reminds me of a black Limousine!

  5. You certainly have an eye for only the best.
