
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Typewriters of the Times: Salinger edition

Every Sunday, the New York Times seems to include at least one reference to typewriters, or an illustration of one. In today's Book Review, Ali Fitzgerald suggests that social distancing may be making some of us behave like J. D. Salinger.

That typewriter in the drawing gives me a Remington KMC or Super-Riter feeling, even though I'm sure it's not modeled on a particular machine.


  1. I love how strong the urge to identify the typewriter is in you! I have several typing spots throughout the house and have favorite spots in the backyard too. The fort has long been dismantled--too many spiders in residence.

  2. Yes, our beloved KMC, and Super Riters!
    Makes me want to get mine out...... thanks!
