
Friday, June 19, 2020

On my beginnings as a typist


  1. That's a report card my mother would have loved. But she got mine instead.

  2. I have an experience opposite of yours. I remember my 9th grade typing class vividly. I even bought an exact model of the ones we learned on in class (and Underwood TM-5), which brought back quite a flood of emotion. My mom graduated high school with our typing teacher, and I struck up a correspondence with him somewhat recently (through email), in which I sent him photos of the typewriters in my collection, including my Underwood. He was a terrific teacher and loved typewriters but moved on to teaching computer skills once typewriters began to be overrun by computers in schools.

    He was also a director of our junior high school plays, in which I had a "comic sidekick" role in 9th grade. What a terrific guy he was. (We lost him last year to cancer.) Mr Laughlin, you are missed. And, thank you for the touch typing skills!

  3. Typing classes of the 70s! Mine involved hauling my mother's old Hermes to after school sessions whose lessons quickly faded. Somehow my love of typewriters survived my adherence to the touch typing method! Thanks for this post.

  4. Memories of typing class are great. Knowing that your school offered typing in 7th grade I wish mine had done the same. I had to wait until high school. I do remember both of the teachers. The lady that taught us and the lady who we could hear down the hall squawking cadences to her typing classes.

  5. What a great thing to find! Looks like you've been a great typist for a long time. I love the story of your Rem Noiseless 7, as well. To have that machine for all these years...that's awesome, man.

  6. So jealous of your school typing classes. I wish we'd had this in the UK, I might have enjoyed school a lot more! I always love reading about your Remington, such a nice story.

  7. heh, I don't remember any typing class, but that was prolly because my school had just switched to Commodore PETs (looking to the FUTURE), so I got programming class instead. By the time I got to high school (1980), it was all computers, no typewriters.

  8. I remember quite well my typing class in 9th grade with Mr. Ballinger. We used desktop Under-
    woods (manual, of course!) that had no letters on the keys. Although I was never a very fast typist, I am certain I got a very good grade from Mr. Ballinger. Not everyone took typing back
    in the 70's but those of us who did, have certainly benefited from it. Who thought they would
    be typing on computer keyboards?

  9. Generations after you that little Remington will hopefully still be treasured and remembered for the valuable impact it has had on typewriter culture in this time. Maybe it will do even more great things with the owners who come after. I wonder sometimes what percentage of my machines will still be working and valued in 2100, 2200, and so forth.

  10. I took typing during my sophomore year of high school in 1944. About half of the typewriters were Underwood 5, and half were Royal. There were two L. C. Smith Super Speeds, which were sort of off limits (reward for good work.) The touch on those machines was so light, almost like an electric typewriter, as I recall.

    My Remington 7 Noiseless, has a large paper table, but the "7" has worn off. It has a full length space bar, plastic key tops,but the "ribbon cover," or whatever they called it since it doesn't have to be removed to get to the ribbons, is black "wrinkle" finish, while the rest of the machine is gloss black, making me think it must have been replaced at one time. The serial no. is H 19522 (I think).

  11. In my day typing class was for girls! How was I to know it would be useful?

  12. In high school every one had to pick an alternative choice in case the class you wanted was not available... I picked typing. Two things I recall (do not touch the electric typewriters... you will develop bad habits) and the person behind me played trumpet (with a case full of ribbons) but was not in band (I got him to join). I got a friend and a distaste for electric typewriters.
