
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Two cover designs for my novel

Behold two designs by Trent Reker for my novel, Evertype. You can click on them to see more detail.

Please vote: which one gives you the greatest desire to start reading the story? 


  1. I am so excited! I can't wait to read your novel in print!! I love both covers, but I vote for #1 because it's a bit subtler than #2. It looks slightly more literary, while #2 looks more commercial with the bright red and is more "in your face." They are both great!

  2. Actually, I take back my previous comment. Is it possible to delete it? I just noticed the gun in the one I chose so I unequivocally choose the one with the red flames and no gun.

  3. Second (bottom) version.

  4. Hola Richard,
    Yo elegiría la segunda, esa repetición de la máquina de escribir genera movimiento y el contraste del color rojo con un fondo más oscuro creo que llama más la atención de la vista.
    En la primera, el arma, la maquina y el texto me da la sensación que se pierden por tener el mismo matiz verdoso.
    Saludos desde Argentina!

  5. First one. It demands to be read. :D

  6. I like number one because a typewriter is much more powerful than a gun. However I vote for number 2 because the resist surveillance is much more visible.

  7. I prefer the second. The sub title is more visible as others have said as well.

  8. Love the first cover! I'd pick that up from the bookstore without pause.

  9. Both are snazzy, and the second one catches my eye more.

  10. For drawing style definitely the first, for content and composition absolutely the second. (To not give a straight preference response ;-)

  11. First one's color scheme is best, and overall looks more intriguing to me, but on version one relocate the text "Resist the Surveillance Information Order" to lay it flat horizontal above your name for a "third version" and see how it flies.

  12. I like the Noir style of the black cover with the flames!
