
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

William Kotzwinkle's “Hermes 3000"

1972 edition:

1975 edition:

The critics love it!


  1. I tried a couple of Kotzwinkle's books recently and just lost patience with him. I enjoyed that stuff from ages 13-20 when even then it was history. Your description is dead-on and amusing.

  2. If anyone would like to have this book and get personally acquainted with a Vonnegut wannabe, let me know (

  3. Thank you for this one. I definitely must get hold of Walter. On this side of the ocean, Swissman Dieter Meier (famous as the one half of the group "Yello") wrote a book with the title "Hermes Baby". See

  4. You might have been joking, but considering the timing and topics of the book, that probably was how it got named. Funny review!

  5. This is eerie. Just a week or two ago, while browsing a used bookstore I came across Hermes 3000 and almost bought it. It was tough to understand the content from the book jacket and online searching netted me not much else.

    I do want to read it though, so if no one has taken you up on the book lending program, I'll take it and then pass it along to the next reader.

  6. Might not have been your intention, but I think there's likely a few dozen people now trying to locate this book in our separate library systems. And - oops - the normally infallible Columbus Metropolitan system comes up empty (but the farting dog is well represented, apparently).
    Deek - can I be put on a waiting list?

  7. Sure thing, Duffy. As soon as I read it, I'll send it your way, as long as Richard is okay with me sending it on.

    I'll just need your mailing address, which you can send to djkoepke (at) gmail (dot) com.
