
Sunday, October 2, 2011

If you love typewriters ...

Oh, and please spread the word about the typewriter documentary and its Kickstarter fundraiser by blog, tweet, or airdropped leaflet ...


  1. Man, I wish I could meet you guys there. Perhaps another time. Is it located anywhere near Martinsburg?

    I like your new blog design!

  2. Thanks, Mike -- there will be another chance, I'm sure.

    The meeting is near Morgantown. Not too close to Martinsburg.

  3. New background AND emoticon - blogger heaven :-) Wish I had the cash to spare for the movie project and the means of getting to West Virginia. I feel a song coming on...

  4. I've been sitting on the fence w/r/t Price's Typewriter Hoedown. It's getting pretty late, so I suppose I'd better do something about that.

  5. an 8 hours flight would take me there... unfortunately, no holidays...

  6. I'd very much like to go and it's not very far from Chicago but my October is practically full. A missed opportunity.

  7. Thanks for the reminder to pledge. I'm thinking about it. I also added a small link to the movie kickstarter to my blog.
    Congratulations on your new layout. Is the typewriter a Voss?
