
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pictures at an exhibition (of typewriter madness)

It's too late to be typecasting -- I don't want to disturb fellow typewriter collectors spending the night at Herman Price's house -- but here are a few photos with brief comments that will give you an idea of the fun we had today.

Steve Lehman and Peter Weil discuss an Antares:

A few shelves of Herman's collection:

Jett Morton's Lego typewriter mechanism:

We compared an earlier and a later Alpina (notice the carriage return levers):

Peter presented some great research on an Oliver cigar box that he found, sold by a pharmacy in the town where the Oliver was made:

Steve and Herman:

Jett shows us a Sears (Smith-Corona) with changeable type:

Steve's mint red Underwood Champion was soon to find a new owner:

Devin (Duffy Moon), Peter, Jack Knarr, and Herman enjoy a variety of modern portables:

Peter shows us a framed Royal ad, probably from the late '20s. Is it an oil painting or "oilette" print?

At Herman's office there are still more machines, such as these "typewhiters":

... and these colorful portables:

In addition to a heap of typewriter talk, we had lots of good food and good laughs.

Now here are a couple of overviews of the main room in Herman's basement (which is still less than half of his collection). You can click these to enlarge them.


  1. Amazing. It's all great, but I'm partial to those severe duty chromed Olivers in the background.

  2. Hello and many greetings from overseas! This is fantastic!!!

  3. What a collection! He must surely hold the record of most impressive/ comprehensive gathering of typewriters - I've never seen anything like it and it makes all our efforts look quite humble in comparison :-)

    Thanks for sharing these pictures, Richard, the type-in looks like a lot of fun and you couldn't have picked a better place to host it.

  4. Very impressive! I need to show this to my wife to make my collection look smaller.

  5. Hi Richard,

    Intersting! Is that Smith-Corona perhaps the same model as in the interrobang advert you provided me with? Do you happen to remember which model it was...?

  6. Fantastic collection, and an excellent setting for a gathering of fellow typewriter nerds! (:

    It makes me wish I had the scratch to travel more, to go see the *real* collectors collections. I'm content with my own small herd, but it's gotta be a thrill to enter a room that's wall to wall and floor to ceiling full of lovingly restored writin' iron. I only wonder how Herman keeps the dust off of his machines. That's just an insane amount of nooks & crannies to keep clean! :D

  7. I have to share this post far and wide. How on Earth could anyone accuse me of being a typewriter obsessive while people like Herman inhabit the planet! I might have to change the name of my blog. This truly is Typewriter Heaven - thanks for sharing.

    Glass cabinets!
    Colour themed displays!
    Ranks of organ-pipe Olivers!
    Too much!

  8. An ivory Adler!
    An ivory Underwood 3!

  9. The pictures of this extensive collection left me absolutely BREATHLESS.


    I have never seen such a thing. It almost gave me a heart attack. Is this typewriter heaven? It sure looks like it!

    This is waaaay beyond amazing.

    Somehow, this needs to be documented on television or in a short movie! It must be the most comprehensive collection of typewriters EVER, don't you agree?

    If anyone else has a bigger collection than this, I'd sure like to know about it.

  10. Very nice pictures! I agree with all the comments before: that's an amazing collection!
    On the 8th picture from above, with Steve and Herman, is that a case of three Imperial B's? Did they sell it like that, or was it just to transport it cheaper to the typewriter shop? Nice!!

  11. schrijfmachine: the case contains three Imperial B keyboard units. The keyboard/typebar unit is detachable and can be changed for one with a different style of different alphabet.

  12. I mean, "... OR different alphabet."

  13. Was that a Lego typewriter? Here's another Lego typewriter I came across:

    1. Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen that one. Yes, Jett created a working index typewriter out of Legos, and Herman has made beautiful little Lego models of some of his rare machines.
