
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Student reflections on typewriting (VI)


  1. "... my entire body was engaged."
    "I disagree with the statement that typewriting takes away from the personal aspect... the content of the page is still mine."

    Grade: A

  2. This is a good one. I felt reading this that the student spent some real time with the machine. I still think an orientation or even an old typing course book would be an interesting experiment to see if the experience is different with real preparation.

  3. It seems this student really got into typing. It is amazing how each student found on their own how to type. I wonder how many of them know about using a key chart or perhaps even finding an old typing book to orient themselves with a typewriter. To me having learned typing in High School it seems intuitive to have proper keyboarding skills whether using a typewriter or a computer keyboard.

    A manual typewriter requires better technique in rhythm and key pressure than an electric or computer keyboard where pressure is not as important.

    I wonder how many of the correctly spelled wrong words are in this students computer generated documents since the student seems to rely on auto spell check and punctuation? I even see professionally written documents that I know were never properly proof-read when I see reed for read, and or for for, and other such computer only proofing.

    Same thing happens with people who rely on Word and have upper case letters at the beginning of all the lines even though the beginning of the line is not the start of a sentence.

    I fully understand the students pinky problem. Ever since my broken hand I have a terrible time with the a and the z on a manual.

    1. Most if not all students had instruction manuals for the typewriters they used, but I think I should have offered a hands-on demo session.

  4. Thankfully, unlike drinking-and-driving, drinking and typing isn't lethal to anything more than, perhaps, one's grade.
