
Monday, May 14, 2012

Royal Administrator


  1. still - a classy looking machine in administrative green.

  2. I like the protective wings under the carriage ends. Very nice machine!

  3. Well, I *didn't* want one until you started putting up pr0ny pictures of one. Sigh.

    How apt that an Administrator is used to do... administration.

  4. Very nice machine! I like Royal's Magic Margin feature too, but I've always thought they should have included an automatic right margin feature on my Arrow portable; does yours have it? Or the Magic Margin works only on the left margin of the document?

    1. The Magic Margin works on both sides. It's a little easier to use on the left, though -- you just push the carriage to the left while operating the MM, whereas on the right you have to hold the carriage release at the same time.

  5. Handsome typewriter. I like the circular molding underneath the typebars cover where the ribbon spools are, makes sense. Never knew such a model existed, never knew there was a German Royal for that matter. I learn a new thing each time I visit here, thanks for sharing, Richard.

  6. That is one fantastic typewriter. I like everything about it. It has such a nice color scheme with the green housing and keys. The typeface is very nice and clean and with the blue ribbon it becomes a very exquisite typewriter.

  7. Everything's coming up Royals! :D

  8. Must be Spring -- the Typosphere seems to be absolutely blooming these days with reports of new-found machines!

  9. Beautiful typewriter, and your photos are gorgeous and professional-looking as always.

  10. Definitely wouldn't have guessed that's a Royal apart from - you know - the giant ROYAL badge on it. Nice find.

  11. It's a really beautiful machine. I didn't even know this model existed. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I never saw this model of typewriter, looks great!

  13. That's a high class casting for a ribbon cover!

  14. Looks practically unused! Great find.

  15. I dig it!. We I was growing up, we had a Chevy Malibu station wagon almost that same color.

  16. Found one at an estate sale yesterday! You hit the nail on the head with "solid, smooth and snappy." Mine has a lazy h and the feet are a total loss. But the little typing I was able to do before handing it over to Bill for repair was really nice. I just need to work out how I'm going to manufacture gray rubber feet...

    1. Congratulations! These are not easy to find and they are fine typewriters.

  17. Hello Richard,

    I have one of these machines and what everyone says is true. I have an issue and I need clarification. My machine has a bell but it's not hooked up. Is this supposed to be this way? I made an extension that attaches to the tab on the right side to trigger the bell, but I don't think it ever had the extension. The bell is more of a Clunk than a ring. Anyone have photos of the back?

    Thanks again Richard,

    Don Feldman
