
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Negations 1-5


  1. Great stuff -- I started to read your file and then realized "whoa, this is good, heavy stuff -- I need to look at this when I'm not running in 50 different directions and can pay attention" --- and I'm looking forward to that!

  2. Glad to hear that you're writing again! It seems as though our reading is intertwining: I've just read If On A Winer's Night A Traveler last week, the first book by Calvino I've read. Can't wait to read your story, and good luck!

  3. I just looked over your PDF and saved a copy to read in detail later. Overall I believe you will have another interesting novel. Good luck with NaNo.

  4. I wish you success in this new creative project. I suppose the SG-1 is your weapon of choice?

    1. Yes, so far. The one page that looks different was written on a Smith-Corona with skipping problems. (I think I've managed to fix that.) I'll probably rotate a bit -- it's fun to give a variety of typewritetrs a workout.

  5. Tough to keep up this density for a month but the short format is certainly concentrating your No-vember mind! Thanks, I enjoyed these.

  6. Nevermind the 'meh.' Write on.

    You are an inspiration. I have a variety of story projects that have been plaguing me for many months but not going anywhere. All I have is a handful first lines and several one-liner ideas. I'm hoping now that by rotating between a desktop or two (perhaps my trusty 1938 Remington Noiseless 10 or the Adler of your previous post if I can get it to work) and a portable or two (a Royal w/ Vogue or perhaps my devilish little Patria), I will be able to pound out some more without the scourge of judgment.


    Rob in NY

  7. very intriguing, Richard ... these five negs have made a dark November evening here in Nodnol that much sharper, thank you. Am looking forward to further developments....

  8. Readings these made my day.

  9. Thanks for sharing the first negations. I enjoyed reading them and hope there will be more :)

  10. Why didn't I comment here first?

  11. Nice pieces! A terrific way to wrap up my online day. Thank you for sharing, and looking forward to more as the whim strikes.

  12. nice stuff. interesting contrasts of dark and light too.
