
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Type-in at Xavier and poem #7

Yesterday afternoon there was an event at Xavier University, kindly set up by some of my colleagues, in honor of the publication of The Typewriter Revolution. I talked for a bit, there were interested questions, and then I set folks loose on a USB Olympia, an Empire portable, a Gossen Tippa, and a Royal KMM. I provided some paper, air mail envelopes, stamps, and copies of the Typewriter Manifesto. A couple of people wrote letters, others played with the USB typewriter, and fun was had all around.

Two students stayed late, focused on their typing. Fortunately, the KMM is a permanent fixture in the nearby honors lounge.

There's a new makerspace in our library, and I was invited to create some kind of program there. I'm up for it!

The poem for today is one by Spanish poet Antonio Machado that Prof. Bousoño had us all memorize in his literature class 33 years ago. It depends a lot on its sounds, so it isn't easy to translate, but I gave it a shot.

These were typed on my ca. 1948 Regia Mixta, made in Valencia, Spain.

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