
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Typewriter hunting at the National Museum of Scotland

The lovely central atrium of the museum:

James Watt is a Scottish national hero:

A steam engine is de rigueur:

The famous ruminant. If you can't guess why she's famous, see here.

A Jacquard loom! I had heard of these, but never seen one before.

This contraption was a harbinger of massive industrialization, and its punched cards anticipated computer programming. More here.

Telephone and telegraph technology ...

An Enigma code machine ...

A teletype ... we're getting warmer ...

... and here they are!

Yes, that's it. A total of four typewriters on display, all of which are unexciting to the experienced collector.

Well, I did enjoy looking at this handsome British version of the Oliver 9 with a wide carriage, metal-ringed keys, and what looks like a cork platen.

As a consolation, there was this entertaining book to page through in the gift shop.

I leave you with a few panoramas.

Edinburgh, looking out over the glass-ceilinged train station:

Edinburgh from Arthur's Seat, a rugged hill at the edge of town:

And the debating room at the Scottish Parliament, a fascinating building:


  1. Marvelous! Those are some seriously huge punch cards! Travel safely my friend. :-)

  2. Hey, that's better than NO typewriters. Maybe Glasgow does better - after all they made most of my Olivettis in that city. I hope the Kolibri isn't feeling usurped if you brought a Lettera this time.

  3. Looks like a super cool place to hang out. I like that atrium.

  4. I may need to travel there. Great post!

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Beautiful place and interesting museum.


  7. When I visited London for the first time, I found their version of CSPAN on the TV. Scottish parliament was in session and it was hilarious! They were shouting, banging their fists, throwing paper wads. Real entertaining!

  8. Ahh well, better hunting in your travels (:

  9. Interesting exhibits, especially the taxidermy. Nice "alphabet piano" too!

  10. According to the Master Catalogue, this Museum should host half of the typewriters in Scottish public collections.

    1. Thank you, I'd forgotten about this catalogue.
