
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Nanonovel no. 1: Journal of a Descent

To mark National Novel Writing Month, I'm going to write 30 novels in November.

More precisely, 30 nanonovels—brief quotes from novels that ought to exist. Every nanonovel will be typed by a different typewriter, upon a 3"x5" card that will be filed in this nice little box.

Nanonovel no. 1 has been produced on a Roxy.


  1. This is a wonderful approach. And inspiring! Love the box too

  2. Terrific idea and off to a great start.

  3. Nice one Richard. This is like eating the jam out of a Jaffa Cake, or going straight to the pudding menu. Cherry picking at it best.

  4. This is a fun idea! I really like the box you have for them. It was great to see you a few days ago.

  5. A fun way to NaNo for sure. Nice file box.

  6. Great concept, and well executed. I'll be sure to stay tuned. As for file boxes, I see them in thrift stores and am frequently tempted. The picture of yours doesn't help!

  7. This is probably the best NaNo idea I've ever seen. I love the concept, and also the fact that each day doesn't have to be a continuation from the last! (That's the aspect that causes me the most grief in writing, I rarely can produce something that last more than a few pages)

  8. What a genius idea and a great inspiration!
