
Friday, July 7, 2017

More Lettering


  1. I love it when you do drawings! And indeed any typewriter gets heavier the further you carry it; I took an Underwood 3-bank on a few miles of the AT and at first it was pretty light but by the end it weighed a ton...

    1. Thanks! I think I need a little plastic machine for these situations.

    2. Your Rooy Portable! Is it lighter?

    3. Yes! But clattery and kind of awkward.

  2. Very nice drawings I really enjoy them. Your photos are great also. The more I read about Europe the more I'd like to spend time there. It all started a few years ago reading bicycle blogs from there. Seems a more relaxed life.
    I solved heavy (supposedly light weight) typewriter problems with a small back pack for carrying them.

  3. Your point about living spaces succinctly summarizes the failure of suburbs! I don't think that it's necessarily a difference between cultures so much as between urban landscapes - which our course can be argued to be a direct result of cultural values... however, if that were so, why do so many of us like European cities so much and yet return home to accept our hollow strip mall world? Great sketches!
