
Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Year in Typewriters


  1. Merry Christmas Mr Polt! A very nic round-up f the yer and well done with the downsizing. What a wonderful present that will be! :)

  2. Best wishes for a Merry Analog Christmas to all in the typoshpere!

  3. Now there's a Happy Holiday for the President we like - an excited new owner! (:
    It's been a powerfully weird year, made tolerable by all of the neat things happening with the hobby we love and the people we share it with. Spreading the joy never reduces your own.
    Many thanks for holding the center during the years it seemed to fade, '17 feels like a corner turned, a center held and expanding. Here's to '18 - and the new friends we'll meet and the new things we'll learn.. :D

  4. Best wishes... great review of 2017.

  5. That's a wonderful Christmas post, Mr. Polt. And what a lucky niece! I bought a Silent Super this year, which was not nearly as well cared for...but of which I am oh so fond. Even when not typing, I sometimes remove its over to look at it, smell the oil, touch it's sturdy frame....I've even grown fond of the two of not-quite-level keys on the bottom row. Please keep up the posts in the new year.

  6. Down-sizing? I thought we were just getting started!
    Nice recap of the year for typers. And I've just updated my Will on an Oliver on my Chiang Mai balcony. Happy New Year, Richard!

  7. That is a great gift!
    Hope you and your family have a great holiday season and most prosperous 2018.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Greetings.. just ran across a manifesto that alines and resonates with The Typewriter Manifesto in several striking ways. It's from the Mohawk Paper Co. Here's the link:

    also, more oddly... sometimes, it's hard to keep typewriter lids and stuff in position... maybe small, super powerful magnets could help! Here's a link to a neat company:

    Also: Happy New Year keep on clackin'! phillytyper michael mcgettigan

    1. Thanks. I like the Mohawk statement very much. (On paper, see my Dec. 28 post.)

  9. Actually, I already though of a use: get some used, stainless bike spokes from your local, better bike shop -- and then bend into a graceful arc to make a paper support... epoxy or crimp or something two small flat magnets... then it will stick to the carriage of many smaller typewriters... to hold the paper up... but unclip easily when it's time to go back in the case... or could do the same on SG-1s which have so often lost their plexi paper supports.... BTW -- I wonder if any typewriter folk are using bike spokes for linkages or paper bails..?. they are free, easy to bend, and indestructible....

    1. Neat ideas. I have sometimes used coat hangers for certain typewriter repair purposes, but I think spokes would work better. An example is the linkages between decimal tabulator keys and the tabulator itself on old L.C. Smiths; these linkages tend to become disconnected and lost.

  10. This is a great article! I think the ultimate lasting legacy of your book will be a treasured and full account for future generations of what typewriter culture was and what it meant at this time. The small batch of typewriter hold-outs in 2250 will be bidding on rare copies of The Typewriter Revolution so they can gain insight to the era when these machines made the transformation from necessary tools to beloved collectibles.

    1. Thanks! I do like the idea that I may have created something for the long term, something that will outlive me. And I do believe that there will be a typosphere (or whatever they'll call it) in 2250. If the human race is still around, that is.

  11. I’ve bought 3 of your books this past year and given away two! Dicscovering your book and everything it talks about in February 2017 has been an enduring bright spot in a dark year.

  12. I’ve bought 3 of your books this past year and given away two! Dicscovering your book and everything it talks about in February 2017 has been an enduring bright spot in a dark year.
