
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Typewriter safari time

It's safari time again!

Will you be the first person to correctly guess which typewriter(s) I came home with? Was it none, one, all? ... If you're the first to post the correct guess below, I will gladly send you a special postcard adorned with a vintage stamp.

No descriptions this time—you'll just have to look at the photos (click to enlarge, if you like) and make your own decision.


  1. I think you bought the Remington Portable.
    You also may have bought the early KMM with round shift keys.

  2. I also guess Remington Portable, but I'm not first :D

  3. What prices! The typewriter must be in demand and highly values - though of course an asking price is not necessarily a selling price...
    The late Corona 4 is nice, but not at that price. The price also makes the Royal un-Wordplayable. The modern little SCM also just a smidgeon too much. Not sure standards are that much in demand/easy to pass on (the 'five' is neatly anachronistic).
    But that Remington Portable #1 looks so very clean - even at the asking price I'd be tempted to get one of these ;-)
    And barring anything major under the hood, should clean up nice and sell like the proverbial hot cake.

  4. Mr. E, Ted, and RobertG are correct. If the old LC Smith had been in great condition, I would have gotten it, but it wasn't.
