
Sunday, February 18, 2018

Typospherian miscellanea

The typewriter world is endless. Here are just a few bloggable items from the last few days ...

First, it's good to know that several of my readers got "new" Hermes Ambassadors thanks to my post on the miraculous stash in Idaho. (Only broken ones are left now.) Brian Z., for instance, writes:

I also received the following thoughtful note from a reader:

Meanwhile, Klaus M. is perfecting the art of ribbon re-inking — something I still haven't tried myself.

In other news, I became aware of a gifted British artist, Becky Haley, who incorporates typewriting in some of her work. This piece represents Alzheimer's disease.

A very different, more conceptual art project, I Am Jack by Sébastien Laading, offers typists the chance to recreate the legendary BAROP* on which Jack Kerouac typed On the Road, with some help from digital technology.

If there's ever a second edition of my book, Haley and Laading should be in it.

*Big-Ass Roll of Paper


  1. I saw that typed sheet from the ribbon-less typewriter someplace else recently. My new Ambassador has been getting a steady work out since I received it a few weeks ago. Still not an old Underwood, but quite nice.
