
Sunday, August 5, 2018

Panic not to this docile juice

Ian Brumfield alerted his followers on Facebook to this bit of artificial intelligence. The RPC-4000, a computer system incorporating a Royal electric typewriter, was programmed to write poetry and generated these verses.

I actually think this is a delightful piece of nonsense. Does it stack up against today's AI? I don't know. Someone who likes talking to computers, please ask Siri, Alexa, Cortana, or some other entity to compose a poem, and let us know what happens.

PS: In 2022, AI poetry has gotten pretty good. But I still prefer the 1962 version!


  1. Best AI was the computer on the original Star Trek. Capt. Kirk always got his answer from her, but I forget its name.

    1. Believe it was just "Computer." Voice by Majel Barrett, show creator Gene Roddenberry's wife.

  2. Funny timing of your post. Today my daughter asked Siri, "Can you beatbox?" Siri could and it was pretty good. Then we asked Cortana if she could beatbox. She did much, much better than Siri.

    1. Ha, the programmers are trying to outdo each other.

  3. It certainly stacks up against MY poetry! :D

  4. I read the poem several times before scrolling further down to see what it was. I thought you had written it and figured there must be some deeper meaning I was missing. I couldn't find one!

    1. Some deconstructionist would be happy to write a book about this poem, I'm sure.

    2. I was very surprised to think you had written it, and quite relieved when I realized you had not :)
