
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Traveling with a friend


  1. Nice venue; and your advice is one I take advantage of regularly. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. There is nothing like traveling with a nice ultra portable. I generally take a Skyriter or my Montana. Nice view from your window.

  3. Great idea Richard. I need to start taking a portable with me also Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. That's a well traveled typewriter.

  5. Having recently traveled with a typewriter as well, I fully concur.

  6. La fotografía hacia la ventana me ha gustado mucho. Parece que estabas en un lugar muy bueno para escribir.

    ¡Un abrazo!

  7. I was wondering about doing the same thing but it seemed a bit too eccentric! You've inspired me. I'll use either a Hermes baby or a Lettera 22.

    1. Go for it. Resist the Paradigm!

    2. Well, I tried it! Not as posh a hotel though. A Premier Inn (UK budget hotel chain) just off the A12 near Chelmsford, Essex. A surprisingly positive experience. It was noisy when the typewriter (Lettera 22) was sat on the table though, which was OK at 5:30pm but would probably be noticed later on. Overall it made the rather formulaic nature of these sorts of hotels a little more fun.

    3. I'm glad you enjoyed the experience! And I agree, one must be careful about typing late in the evening in a hotel.

  8. Good solid advice Richard. My skinniest typer is a Royal Royalite. It's a might heavy for its size, but is reliable as ever. I like the idea of drafting my thought and not using a computer. I may have to get in the habit of carrying my portable around more and leaving the computer at home. I do have an AlphaSmart NEO, though a little new fangled it keeps me grounded. Coffee shop tested and approved.

    The scene out of your hotel window reminds me of the painting "Nighthawks at the Diner".

  9. Awww... It's such a tiny, cute typewriter! <3

    Mine is not as portable as yours (Olivetti Studio 46)... Maybe I might get a third typweriter... I don't know...

    At least my Olivetti Studio 46 has an advantage that neither computers (even portables) nor standard typewriters have: I can carry it with me almost anywhere (a good thing when it's cold inside and you need some sun outside), and it doesn't depend on power (electricity) sources or Internet's connections. <3

  10. I took my Skyriter on vacation this past summer with the intention of journaling the trip. I fell behind after a couple days because we were so busy doing things that I ended up too tired to type!

  11. This is lovely and inspiring. I can practically smell the hot tea on the desk nearby.

    We travel quite a bit in a vintage camper. I’m absolutely going to pack a portable on the next road trip. I love this vibe and the idea of parking myself on a chair in the Smoky Mountains to do a bit of writing.
