
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

“Screenless Summer"

Sorry — obscured words are: concept - What - "Reality" - fails - ambiguity - anyone - something - obvious - life - pronounce - finished. (I can't rescan these pages at the moment, for dull reasons.)


  1. Excellent, we're glad to have you back and we all probably need to be on the typosphere less, even though a lot of what is on it is pretty darn good.

  2. Enjoyed reading this--ON A SCREEN--while three books sit next to me, waiting their turn.

  3. I had felt guilt over not sending you a letter, but knowing that it might have been delivered together with nine others makes me feel much better!

  4. Why? Oh, why did this ditty from the past just pop into my head? Forgive me. "Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out. Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about ..."

  5. Welcome back - and remember that you're only obligated by your own desires (:

  6. Welcome back!
    I just read Walden (for at least the 3rd time) and Walking yesterday while waiting for Mrs. M during some of her medical exams and tests.
    Some screen time these day is unavoidable. Blogging and commenting is as we each see fit for our self.

  7. My Summer...
    Normal: Broke, jobless and surviving. xD
    But I am fine anyways. At least it's raining and I enjoy my long travels by bicycle:

    I left the college, and now I'm focusing on my own projects. xD

    1. That's a serious ride! You must be in good shape. My longest was 66 miles (106 km) on almost flat ground. Good luck to you.

  8. Repairing some vintage machine. Two Lettera 22 (first and second series), one Underwood 310 (= Olivetti Dora), an Antares Alba a4 (4 rows) and an Alba toy (3 rows). Taking film photography in my city Como. Reading books (Escapements and Paradigm Shifts, Saramago, Mc Carthy, Balzac), writing to you two letters (received?). All the best from Italy! Davide
