
Friday, August 21, 2020

10 years of this blog

Exactly ten years ago, I posted typecast #1:

This typewriter is no longer with me, but the blog is. This will be my 1,112th post, and my 512th typecast. I've saved the typecasts in these little portfolios (I'm on my eleventh one).

Here are my thoughts on the experience.

Painting by Pawel Kuczynski


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary, Richard! And rest assured you've succeeded in realizing your fantasy of being a creative writer. Your words have been a reliable bounty of wisdom, joy, and inspiration for this loyal reader. Cheers, Doug

  2. Congratulations Richard. Here's to ten more years... in whatever form the technology takes us ;D

  3. Thanks for all you've done to nurture and encourage this online community. I'm glad to hear that you've found it personally fulfilling as well.

  4. I thought I was late to the party, but your blog started right around the time I started to collect typewriters, and I knew who you were pretty early on. I will keep reading!

  5. Congratulations! Your great contributions to the Typosphere and blogging make it the wonderful platform it is. I look forward to another 10 or more years.

    I've got to get back to my own blog. I've given up on problems with Blogger and planned to already be moved to WordPress, but other priorities (radio) have taken priority.

    Blogging compared to other digital media are substantive than quick tweets, here today and gone tomorrow FB, and the lost in the overburden of Instagram.

  6. Well done Richard, a decade of consistent excellence. You advised me to follow you down the blogger path and I haven't looked back (well, maybe once of twice, but you know all about that). Love all your machines and your typecasts. Hope to see you in Cincinnati again one day!

  7. Happy 10 years of success! It's been a pretty good 10 years, IMHO, and you've been very helpful and inspirational :D

  8. Lovely accomplishments indeed. Congrats!

  9. Congratulations - always something to think about here!

  10. I just loved this post--the first one inspires me--and as I read on, I just felt a warm, happy glow. Thanks much.

  11. Richard, I admire your dedication to the medium. I was happy to read this commentary on the last decade of the internet as I give my brain a break from the short form that is social media. Happy blogoversary!

  12. Olympia SG 1?
    I have the Olympia SG 3!! <3

    I will try to rescue my blog. Ultimately real life has been... oof... :(
    And yes, blogs are counter-intuitive, sort of obsolete and hard to manage. :(
    They need an update to make them easier to handle. xD

    The main reason which I dediced to type on paper all what I post in my blog is the fact that I need a physical copy of every text, so I have more control on what I'm posting. Then, aesthetics: Digital texts seem reluctant to typesetting in the way I want to set the letters. Finally: It's easier to post some pictures instead of a bunch of text that just makes my computer to get stuck after 30 or 40 lines. xD

    I love your blog. Keep on posting here. :D
    Before you, I thought I was the only one scanning typewritten pages and posting them on blogs...
