
Monday, August 3, 2020

The Regia Mixta typewriter

OK, two issues: ETCetera no. 86 and no. 88.

Here's the extra shift assist spring I added:

Here's how the carriage lock works:

The Regia's bell makes a pleasing, lingering sound.

A rare name variant of the Regia is "Wonder's":

"The quality portable typewriter that combines all the
advantages of solidity and performance of large office machines."


  1. A beautiful, sleek machine! Thanks for sharing your insights and images.

  2. Interesting typewriter design. The ribbon cover supports are quirky and would make changing the ribbon tricky. Great post!

  3. All of the T. Alonso's you've found are amazing and quirky - I'm surprised they aren't more sought after given how you've certainly brought them to attention of world collectors the past decade or so. They deserve more attention.. (:

    1. Thanks. Well, I think that in the field of postwar typewriters, most collectors are looking for usable or pretty machines that aren't necessarily rare. It's mostly the collectors of early, especially 19th-century machines who really crave rarity and quirkyness.

    2. Isn’t that the Torpedo dude in the “Primera Maquina” ad top left?

    3. You have a good eye, Tom! Yes, the image is stolen from a considerably earlier Torpedo ad.
