
Monday, September 21, 2020

Olivetti Valentine typewriter survey


  1. I ordered the Valentines in the TWDB roughly by year so they would be split mainly by features and ordered by serial number, and will be submitting my one Valentine S (the "S" indicates no tabulator)

  2. Mine is a Mexican QWERTZ. First one I ever bought (in the modern era), not because I was collecting typewriters, but because it was the one in Alex's room in A Clockwork Orange. I wanted a piece of the history of that film and everything else that Kubrick used to decorate the room was too rare and expensive.

    BTW I thought this was a Polt prank until I googled "Matias Rajkay."

  3. The Valentine is what introduced me to the world of collectable typewriters. One day at the Salvation Army Store I found a orange box in the garden section. To my surprise, it was a typewriter. The price was $10.00 too much for a typewriter I thought, who would want one. I almost put it back, but then my wife said it was half off day, ok, I'll do $5.00 It was in perfect opperating condition, I put paper in and started typing, hey! this is kind of fun. I then GOOGL'd Valentine Typewriter, HOLY COW, this wasn" junk it's ART! The MOA in New York even has one in its colliction. That beauty found a new home onthe Bay, I am like the lobster fisherman that can not afford lobster, but now I have numerus typewriters, I can change a draw band, swab out a gooey type bed and turtle wax a case. Be well all.

    1. Five bucks! That's a collector's dream. I used to find $5 typewriters all the time at my local St. Vinnie's, but no more.

  4. I received a Valentine made in Mexico for my Birthday. The orange ribbon covers have us wondering if someone made a counterfeit fix. The ribbon covers on this Valentine have a hole in the center that fits over the ribbon spool posts. The Valentine has Mexican characters and a dead key with accents. The machine is well used and we got it working pretty good although the carriage has some play in it. Very cool to finally get a Valentine in the collection.

    1. Congratulations. I am skeptical that someone would bother to make a counterfit ribbon cover. It's more likely that there was just some variation in the manufacturing process. Just my guess, though!
