
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Guest post: Repairing an Olivetti Graphika

Many thanks to Julian W. for taking us through a mechanical adventure with his Olivetti Graphika, a manual proportional-spacing typewriter. ("Sperrschrift" refers to  e x t e n d e d   s p a c i n g, which is activated by a lever on this machine.)


  1. Julian's become a lot more intimate with his Graphika's nether parts than I ever had to. I'm sure the carriage will jam at full stretch with no tab stops set. What's the Italian for "they all do that, sir"? A wonderful write up though and perfect to see another Graphika cranking out words. I'm getting Cassandre envy.

    1. The Graphika club is small. It's fun to be part of it with you and Julian.

  2. Good information to know in case I ever come across a Graphika.

  3. In my book, if you can fix this problem, you deserve to own a Graphika even if you _were_ originally looking for a run-of-the-mill SM9.

  4. I'm always impressed by other people's mechanical aptitude. I also enjoyed "The ribbon was as dry as a forgotten handkerchief in the Death Valley at noon." :D
