
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Typewriters of the Times: Ozick, Abernethy, hacking

As usual, this Sunday's New York Times is sprinkled with typewriters. 

An obituary for NBC and PBS journalist Bob Abernethy shows him with his Underwood.

A review of 93-year-old writer Cynthia Ozick's latest novel includes this bit:

But the main thing that made me think of typewriters—not as tools of old and bygone writers, but as necessary equipment for the 21st century—was this front-page story.

It's just the latest reminder of how digital equipment is vulnerable to prying, hostile incursions—in a way that typewriters are not.


  1. that is the most wonderful underwood i have ever seen.

    1. thank you, richard. i'd never seen one because i never look for electrics. really dig the new faceplate you fabricated to work.

  2. I loved electronics, and made a career out of it. I also became, and remain, very disillusioned with microprocessor digital electronics. 90% of things that have a microprocessor (computer) in them do not need them and 99% of what is connected via the internet is not needed. Now comes the iOT garbage and relentless intrusion into a person's life. I still use some of what I lament, but very sparingly. I prefer happily typing away at my typewriter, and playing with real electronics; analog.

  3. I want an Underwood electric like that now because of RP....darn you! As for the Pipeline....if they just used Selectrics then this would have been a non-issue, lol.
