
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Rage, fury, and a Scriptor

These passages from a letter I received today speak for themselves. If you're seeing this, correspondent, my reply is on its way.



  1. Awesome. This goes to show that every single typewriter in a functioning state is truly a thing of beauty and wonderment.

  2. I fully agree with the health and therapeutic values of a typewriter.

  3. mmmm...comments still don't allow me to use my Google/Blogger???? Bill M

  4. I have to admit that 90% of my typing falls in that category. I just put a sticker on mine that says, quoting Flannery O'Connor, "I write because I don't know what I think until I read what I say." For me it is true.

  5. Any instrument can be in the band :D -TMunk

  6. I have the same experiences. I type away when I am aggravated and I will have separate rants or raves on different machines. When I go back and read what I wrote, sometimes it is enlightening that the thoughts are so fluent, almost as if the typewriter was alive.
