
Friday, May 17, 2024

Cincinnati type-in celebrates Woz Flint's “The Distraction-Free First Draft"

This happened a few weeks ago (April 22), but it's still worth recording on this blog. Woz Flint, of Albuquerque, has (type)written a delightful little book about the joys and advantages of composing on a typewriter. It includes profiles of some typewriter users today, advice on choosing a machine, and more—but unlike my own heavy tome, it's breezy and non-encyclopedic. It's a quick, encouraging recommendation for writers who are considering giving typewriters a try.

Woz came through Cincinnati to read from her book at Joseph-Beth Booksellers. There was a curious audience, and many of them stayed to try out the typewriters that I and some other locals had brought.

Woz got laughs with the story of her struggles to write on a laptop:

I provided the Adler Privat and Voss on the table at left:

Some copies of my own book were also available:

The audience gives the typewriters a try:

Another insurgent brought this sweet '50s pink Royal:

El futuro es de las mujeres (y las máquinas de escribir):

Woz with family members who live in Ohio:

All told: a fine day for typewriter culture!