
Thursday, November 28, 2024

The Underwood secret number mystery

Robert G recently blogged about the "secret" numbers you can find stamped under the left front foot on many Underwoods. I pointed out that there's also a mysterious number under the angular nickeled piece that covers the right end of the carriage.

Now Robert has started to collect data on these numbers. The two hidden numbers match in every case so far (though sometimes the initial digit is omitted on the foot). But how do they relate to the machine's serial number? 

Here are some examples from two machines currently in my possession, both made in January 1925 according to the Database.

For some reason, the machine with the higher serial number has lower hidden numbers.

Want to contribute to Robert's research? Inspect your Underwoods and write to him at


  1. .. very interesting serial number research. It happens more often, two contradictory numbers, but I have never seen this combination: two against one.

  2. One hypothesis to test — I'm not sure how — would be to determine whether the extra numbers are associated with rebuilt machines.

    1. They're not, to my knowledge. They are found on all (?) Underwood 3, 4, 5 machines.

  3. I need to search for mine. I know one of Underwood No. 3 or No. 4 typewriters has the number under a foot.
    I contributed that to the possibility that the machine may have been rebuilt by the company who used to be a major rebuilder and reseller of the old Underwoods put their number on it, but I think they also put their name or initials under the shift keys replacing the original Underwood key label.

    1. It's almost certain that these numbers were added at the factory, originally. See Robert's post for some of his theories.

  4. I did not notice the numbers under the foot of my first No. 5. They are quite obscured. I did manage to get a readable image to send to Robert as well as my other No. 5. It'd be interesting to know about these numbers as I have not found them on other Underwood typewriters.

  5. Buongiorno, sono il proprietario della Underwood 5 nr. 215 - 5 visibile su Typewriter Database. Se può essere utile vi posso dire che ho cercato dappertutto un terzo numero ma non l'ho trovato. Vedo solo i 2 numeri sotto il piede anteriore sinistro e sul telaio sotto la bobina destra, ed entrambi portano lo stesso numero 215
