
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Marian Call live

Marian Call is known to many
typospherians from her appearance in The Typewriter (In the 21st Century).

Last night, she came through the Cincinnati area and gave a house concert
that I was lucky enough to attend.

Marian has often been photographed with her Underwood,
which I learned is named Madeleine (after L'Engle).

Her Hermes Rocket is named Neil (after Armstrong).

And yes, she really does use Madeleine as an instrument!

Here are Marian Call (vocals, typewriter, kazoo) and Seth Boyer (guitar) 
with her song "Good Morning Moon."

Marian is well known for "The Nerd Anthem," AKA "I'll Still Be a Geek After Nobody Thinks It's Chic." So just how geeky is she? Check out her version of Tom Lehrer's "The Elements":

After the show, Marian was kind enough to sit down with me and talk typewriters as I tapped on my Groma Kolibri and tried to get down all her insights. Here are a few:

You'll see more in my book when it comes out. Till then, I'll just video-quote Marian's song "Paper and Pen":

Thanks to Marian Call, Seth Boyer, and our hosts for for a great evening!